Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The story of an Old Wagon...

"What we have here is a failure to communicate" - Cool Hand Luke

When I was somewhere in the vicinity of 10 years old, my uncle and I made a few bets. Gambling should start at a young age if you hope to be successful at it.  We decided one afternoon to place a few wagers while playing basketball in my back yard. Our target was similar to this: 
It stood roughly 20' away, seemed to be a lot longer back then. My uncle and I went back and forth before we found any success. Then he decided to go after a model car that I had just built, a 1957 Chevy Gasser, my prized possession at the time. He drained his shot and I failed at my rebuttal. I was crushed as I handed it over to him. 

This is where this blog comes in to play. 

He had a 1960 Studebaker Wagon tucked away in storage for nearly 20 years and I always wanted it. I placed my bet and wouldn't you know it? Nothing but net! He failed at his chance to win her back and the car was mine! Or so I thought. To this day he claims I cheated and the car has stayed in his storage unit. Hence the quote seen above. That was up until November 2010 when I was able to convince him to move it. The destination would be my mom's garage....

This is where it sat... since 1976: Covered in prized treasures surely perfect for a garage sale.

 Months go by and slowly junk disappears. Leaving me with a car that needs to be moved... call in the cavalry...
Finally in daylight after 35 years of hiding and heading home. Now what this doesnt clarify is the ownership of the vehicle. But, it is in my possession and I am claiming the old "possessions is 9/10 of the law" routine.

 This is the story and rebirth of an Old Wagon.

I have more recent pictures and updates to add, but I must get back to work... as time permits.

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